
3rd stage of love in this a guy is in relationship and everything was going good but all of a sudden everything change he/she demands for breakup without any reason. his/her behavior towards you suddenly change .He/she stops calling you. You don't even imagine about this.He/She act like that you were never in relation with him/her . This is the hardest part for you to believe.This thing start killing you and you will feel like hell.You would try to talk to her but everything has changed . All the dreams are in vain .Your soul and heart are broken badly. This is the all about this stage .

Whenever i see you,
it hurts me a lot and reminds all the time we spare ,
how we take each other care,
at One time we were best friend and had a crush,
But now u behave with me like anonymous.

I didn't remember when last time we had a eye contact,
when we had a little pretty chat,
at one time we were best friend and had a crush,
but now u behave with me like anonymous.

because of you i stop believing in faith , love and trust,
i must tell the whole world u r my last crush,
leaving you have fun and  live a better life,someone had did your mind brush,
at one time we were best friend and had a crush,
 but now u behave with me like anonymous.

when we get into relationship i thought i love her so much,
wait for the time to stand in front of her in the church.
now i wait for her phone call,
or a message written in small,
all of these are waste of time,
now i realized loving her is fault of mine,
at one time we were best friend and had a crush ,
but now u behave with me like anonymous.      
                                                       - Sanket Bose


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